Apollo III – Valor Points, Raids and PvP Season

Dear players,
as you may be aware, there had been an issue during our Christmas event that caused the weekly Valor Points cap from the single source of RHC to be increased over 490. The supposed behaviour is to let players get the remaining points from other sources, such as raids, which will be opened tomorrow.
We have decided to adjust our original approach for fixing the Valor Points issue to compensate the affected players for their lost items. Our plan is now as follows:
We will apply these changes tomorrow, in the early morning of Wednesday, 29.12.2021 at 4:30 server time.
Now it’s time for some more positive news!
After the server restart at 10:00 tomorrow, we will turn on normal Cataclysm raids (tier 11). The reduction values for Cataclysm raids will be:

10-man normal damage reduction: 20%
10-man normal heal/absorb reduction: 15%
25-man normal damage reduction: 10%
25-man normal heal/absorb reduction: 10%

10-man heroic damage reduction: 30%
10-man heroic heal/absorb reduction: 25%
25-man heroic damage reduction: 20%
25-man heroic heal/absorb reduction: 20%
At the same time, the gates of ranked battlegrounds and arenas will finally open for PvP season 9 (Vicious), the first season on Apollo III! This season will end with the content patch 4.2. Good luck!
We will also host your favourite 3v3 PvP event that you know from Apollo I. This event will be active every Sunday & Wednesday from 7 PM to 11 PM server time. Please see our website for more details. The 3v3 event on Apollo I will be moved to Thursday and Saturday!
Apollo Team