Bugreport – overview

Dear players,

Today we would like to share with you some details about our current Bugreport status, specifically about what each status means.

Reports in the TwinHead bug report system are divided into several groups, based on their current status. Each status and a description of what it means it outlined below, followed by a description of how the entire reporting process works.

New – Brand new report
Reopened – Report with a reopen request based on a newly found bug
Confirmed – Once the “new” report is confirmed by the staff, it becomes Confirmed
Fixed – The issue has been fixed and retested to confirm that the fix is valid
Won’t fix – A bug that we have determined will not be fixed, because of its character
Duplicate – An already reported issue
Need info – A bug report that the staff need more information on in order to be fixed
Not a Bug – A report of a bug, which is not a bug
Need update – The bug has been fixed and needs to be retested after server update
Canceled – A canceled report
WotLK report – A report about the issue that already exists on our WotLK project (very rarely used these days)
Need Retest – Developers are requesting for players to retest the bug on the live server
Later Content – A report related to upcoming content
Minor Flaws – Fixed bug with a small nuances to the original

Lets go through the whole process of the bug report. First, a player reports a bug based on the reporting guide instructions. Such report receives “New” status. Then testers test the reported bug and change the report status based on the testing results. If the report is properly written and confirmed by a tester, its status is changed to “Confirmed” status. Reports can also be set to other statuses based on the descriptions above.

Once “Confirmed“, the issue is then fixed by a developer. After tester approval of the fix, it receives status “Need update“. Reports with such status are tested once they goes live.

There are more scenarios of what can happen next to the report. It can be set to “Reopened” when a new or unfixed bug is found.  “Minor Flaws” status will mean that there is a small difference between our fix and the official game.

When the report is fully fixed it is set to “Fixed“. Then we write a small note about the fix, ie. ReportFix.

ReportFix is then announced in one of our Changelogs ( on the website/facebook)

And how we are standing now on Artemis/Hades? If we take into account only relevant reports (i.e. excluding: Won’t fix, Duplicate, Not a Bug, Canceled) we are at 10724 reports as of today. Incredible right?
But what is even more incredible is the amount of Fixed statuses – 87% .

You can trust us that such a number is not the final one. We will continue to work harder and harder, driving up the percentage of issues that we can confidently call “Fixed”, as high as possible. The greater the percentage of “Fixed” statuses, the more fun you will have on our Cataclysm project!

Just have a look on some of our Fixed reports:

Please visit us at:
Hades Web: http://www.hades-wow.com/
Hades Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectHades/
Hades Discord: https://discord.gg/3avt7kg

Team Artemis/Hades